Asheville Sober Living Counselors like Mr. Greenwald can help you regain control over your life. Carl Greenwald is a licensed clinical addiction specialist in the greater Asheville area that teaches individuals how to lead a productive and sober life.

Sober Living is achieved by using the tools introduced to you by licensed professional counselors like Carl Greenwald. Living a sober and rewarding life is only a call way, so please call now.

Sober Living Counseling is more affordable than ever with Mr. Greenwald as he operates on a sliding scale fee system so that with less resources can get the help they need quicker here. Call Carl Greenwald today at (828)-318-9468 to get counseling for addictions such as drugs and alcohol.

Asheville Sober Living Counselors - Drugs, Alcohol, Addictions
Licensed Professional Counselor - Carl Greenwald - (828)-318-9468
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